The flexible solution for high-tech modern meetings


In a modern business world, the role of audio-visual technology in collaboration has never been more important. The rise of hybrid and flexible working, both during and after the pandemic, has accelerated the need for more capable and connected solutions. Whether in the office or taking part remotely, it is vital that every employee can be equally seen and heard and can make a worthwhile contribution to individual projects and wider business goals.

Balancing productivity with viability

Achieving this is often seen as impractical from a financial point of view. The amount of technology needed is substantial and is advancing so fast that it must be replaced regularly, making buying, and refreshing an expensive endeavour. Challenges often faced by firms exploring AV technology include:

  • Meeting employee expectations: employees increasingly want elevated experiences to encourage them to work from the office more often. This means ‘destination workplaces’ that are inviting, attractive, flexible and offer an extra level of functionality.
  • Committing to capital investment: buying new software and hardware requires a substantial financial commitment, one that may turn out to be a poor decision if hardware fails or becomes obsolete prematurely. It also requires several levels of management approval, which makes it difficult to evolve technology quickly.
  • Planning refresh strategies: refreshing ageing technology is often pushed back, or money is diverted to other projects or simply just to save cash. The longer this goes on, the more a refresh costs and the harder it becomes to commit to.

High-tech meeting spaces that do not break the bank.

Visavvi Room as a Service (RMaaS) platform addresses all these challenges, with comprehensive software and hardware, funded through a monthly subscription.

We can deliver AV, communication and collaboration facilities that are up-to-date, professionally deployed and managed, fully supported, and tailored to the individual needs of your meeting spaces and workforces. Our end-to-end approach, from assessment and design to refreshing and recycling, ensures you always have meeting and collaboration technology that is scalable, and therefore ideal for your business and workforce alike.

Our cloud analytics solutions mean we can assess the current usage of your rooms and the tech within them and identify effective changes to align the spaces with your business requirements. A range of other metrics are factored into this analysis, including air quality, temperature, online meeting attendance rates and other key metrics, helping us shape suggestions that perfectly complement the specifics of your workforce, and the ways in which they work.

Why Visavvi RMaaS?

  • Innovate without financial risk: fund the latest AV technology from OpEx with no up-front payment, and access all the hardware and solutions you need for a single monthly fee. We offer affordable per-room pricing to maximise the transparency and effectiveness of your spending, relieving the pressure on your capital budgets and allowing you to deploy valuable cash resources elsewhere to receive a better return on capital employed.
  • Create next-level meeting spaces: adopt the latest innovations and tell current and prospective staff that you are a cutting-edge, forward-thinking organisation committed to providing top-quality employee experiences.
  • Always be meeting ready: With up-to-date tech installed, alongside our support services, you are future-proofed against unexpected performance issues or maintenance costs.
  • Meet sustainable objectives: advance the sustainability of your collaboration in several ways – improve virtual meeting experiences so attendees don’t always have to travel; invest in the latest energy-efficient hardware.

Start your journey towards meeting transformation.

Find out how Visavvi RMaaS works in detail with our brochure or, contact our team to discuss your specifics and to arrange a pilot deployment.

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